Onoway & District Fish & Game Association & Gun Club

Promoting through Education, Programs, conservation and utilization of fish and wildlife, protecting and enhancing habitat.

Upcoming events


Starting July 2nd

Summer Archery Nights

Starting July 2nd, we will be holding a summer Archery Night every other Tuesday of the month until the end of Aug, weather permitting. The club will provide a free hotdog/hamburger dinner at 6pm and archery will run from about 6:30 to 8pm. The club does have equipment available if you do not have your own. There will be instruction available to new archers. There is no fee for this event, however you do have to be a member to attend. 


6:00-8:00 p.m.

Onoway, AB T0E, Canada


Sept 10th

General Meeting


6:30 p.m.

Onoway, AB T0E, Canada


Sept 6-8

Volunteer Appreciation Weekend

Details to follow for volunteers

Onoway, AB T0E, Canada

Fish & Game Membership

(no gun range or archery access)

Single member

For an individual.

$55 +GST


Family membership

Includes member, spouse and children under 18 living in the same house.

$65 +GST

Archery Privileges

(no gun range access)

Add archery:

For Archery Privileges, add this amount to either single or family rate of the Fish and Game Membership.

+$35 +GST

Gun Range Privileges

(archery access included)

For access to the gun range, one must apply and be accepted and undergo a Range Safety Briefing each year.

Add gun range:

For Gun Range Privileges, add this amount to either single or family rate of the Fish and Game Membership.

+$200 +GST